
分类:喜剧片喜剧地区:其它年份:2001导演:克里斯汀·拉蒂主演:拉特安亚·阿尔达艾伯特·布鲁克斯娜塔莎·理查德森Gary BullockKevin Cooney戴斯蒙德·哈灵顿状态:HD

简介:  Jennifer is a seventeen years old misfit punk teenager that uses piercing, tattoos, wears only bla
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  Jennifer is a seventeen years old misfit punk teenager that uses piercing, tattoos, wears only black clothes and dyed hair, self-inflicts injures and has fixation for death. She misses a father and a normal mother, since Mrs. Benson has trouble in the communication with her, and feels absolutely rejected. While looking for a job, she meets the forty-nine years old Randall Harris, a lonely man who owns a shopping store, and he hires her. They are opposites but with loneliness and lack of friends in common. They become close friends, and their interaction changes their behavior for good while secrets and feelings are disclosed.




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